Unlike normal schools that have reasonable reading periods, we only get two days, tomorrow and Friday. But, in the spirit of looking on the bright side, today is my final day of classes. One I was so happy to see go I almost cried in joy, the other ones have given me some professors that I look forward to seeing in other classes and altogether the whole experience has given me some insight into the fact that having three exam periods a year means that I better damn well start thinking about which classes have exams before I register.
As soon as school is out I am going home, sitting at my newly remodeled for study effectiveness desk (other side of the room from the internet outlet, room screen up between desk and TV), throwing some laundry in, cleaning the kitchen, making a huge meal that will offer leftovers for days, and then really hunkering down for some good old fashioned Family Law cramming.
Somehow I have to figure out how to get flashcards through my crap printer.
Exam Study Music Mix:
Jimmy Buffett
Black Eyed Peas
Maroon 5
The Killers
The Derailers
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Millenium Hip Hop Mix
Greatest Hits of James Taylor
Shout-Out 'O' The Day: To Prof. ConLaw who is providing us with an outline that HE MADE...even though I have, on occasion told a funny story about him on here, he's really a good professor and good-natured about his somewhat humorous verbal slipups. One time when he was getting feedback on his microphone he danced to it and then said that he thought the feedback was aliens trying to get in touch with him. Anyway, thanks for the Outline...and the memories.