Things I Learned Today:
1. Red wine and I do not get along. At. all. This morning was a...highly unfortunate experience.
2. Westlaw Brief-It! Sucks It!
3. I have not read approximately 40% of the cases that were assigned in Free Expression. I got so far behind because a lot of it is a repeat of stuff I researched last year for our 1L appellate brief and I just kept putting it on the lowest I tried to do some outlining today I was STUNNED at how much of the book is virginal and white and non-highlighted. Bad. Bad.
4. The Copy Center is closed today at the library which means that although I have some decent outlining efforts made, I can't print them out until I get home tonight, probably around midnight. That is less than helpful.
5. Tabs are a great idea. However, that being said, if you run out halfway through your book perhaps you are going a tiny bit overboard. You, not me. I would never do something like that.
6. If your Family Law final is on Monday morning at 8:30am then starting to try to memorize 200 years of family law (and, as we've already discussed, this includes case names, holdings, years, jurisdictions, facts, contentions, etc...all to be regurgitated on Monday in "publishable form" in a specific 14 part format...that we also have to memorize) on Saturday night at around 9 (which is when I'm gonna get to it) is probably not gonna work. I can't emphasize (by which I mean "BITCH AND MOAN") enough about how worked up I am over the fact that the one class I may fail this quarter is Family Law, a class I should be able to TEACH for god's sake.
7. Nothing cures a day like this faster than a burger and a milkshake. It's true.