Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Eau De Toilet
What I think would be WAY better would be a perfume by Melanie Griffith. Here's my suggestions for names:
1. Sadly Pathetic Older Woman.
2. Big. Fat. Fake. Lips.
3. Tattoos Are Forever.
4. Rehab.
5. I Married Don Johnson. Twice.
Dear Britney, you look like crap. Love, The Rest of the World
Eternal thanks to Scott at L^3 for bringing this to my attention. Especially in Family Law where, even though he told me it was funny and I shouldn't look in class, I still did and laughed out loud. But not as hard as I did when my professor spontaneously (well, it KIND of went with the case) announced:Y'all keep talking about how I look crummy when I leave the house but that is totally unfair y'all. Y'all, I am in love. I am married now! I am a married lady! This is how I look, for reals, y'all. I don't have to brush my hair for Kevin. I don't even have to take a shower for Kevin! He told me that I have to do is keep signing the checks...of LOVE.
"Getting hit with a belt is TOTALLY different than getting hit with a whip."
Hey, quit preaching to the choir buddy!
Find More on Britney "Slutbag" Spears-Federline Watch 2004 here, and here, and here, and here, and even way back here.
Oops, I'm still a stupid slut -- love, Britney
The newlywed singer, who is widely rumored to be pregnant, has posted a message on her subscription-only fan site, in which she rhapsodizes over the joys of staying home and cooking, advocates having children while you’re still young, and proclaims that mothers shouldn’t work outside the home. Spears recently announced that she was taking at least a few years off before
touring again.
“A lot of people think you should wait till you’re older to have kids,” Spears writes. “I’ve had a career since I was 16, have traveled around the world & back and even kissed Madonna! The only thing I haven’t done so far is experience the closest thing to God and that’s having a baby. I
can’t wait!” The “Toxic” singer opines that it’s important to have children when you’re young — like her own mother, who “looked sexy in her black dress [when she went to church and] would come home and put on her size 2 shorts and a bikini top to wash the car & get a tan at the same time.”
I thought this was intriguing and knew I had to read the whole thing...so as master of the Google universe, I went out and found the whole letter (via Stereogum).
Britney’s Letters: A letter to mom for
This week is Thanksgiving, a time of year to reflect on all of our blessings and everything we are most thankful for. In that respect, I want to dedicate this letter to my mom.
It's 10pm and Kori is sound asleep. Today, for the first time I made a roast with carrots, potatoes, corn and my favorite garlic bread. It was amazing, if I do say so myself! I used my own recipe too. My feet are really starting to sink into my new home, especially the kitchen. When I was younger, the kitchen was always the room in the house where we would all end up hanging out. Cooking is kind of like motherhood. To be really good at it, you don't need instructions. You kind of just go on instinct and what feels right.
My mom was the best at everything but she wasn't a Stepford wife at all. She had her own way of doing things. Some of the women where we are from went to church every week, but also gossiped the entire time they were there. These women also worshiped their husbands in a weird way and talked to their kids as if they were a principal lecturing a student instead of a mother to her child. Living in a small town can make it so easy to just follow the mold and go along with how everyone else does things. But my mom managed to set her own course and not get corrupted into doing things like all the other women. She would go to church every week like everyone else, but she always looked sexy in her black dress and she was the one all the other women would
gossip about. She would come home and put on her size 2 shorts and a bikini top to wash the car & get a tan at the same time, then come inside and manage to make the best chicken dumplings before going on a two mile run and then end the night by making the best chocolate shakes for us before we went to bed.
My mom was and still is a Supermom. She is just so much fun and I think the reason why I relate to her so well is because she's a young mom. A lot of people think you should wait till you're older to have kids. I've had a career since I was 16, have traveled around the world & back and even
kissed Madonna! The only thing I haven't done so far is experience the closest thing to God and that's having a baby. I can't wait! I thought I would never say this, but I love not working so much! To be a really good mom, I feel your child needs to be your full time job. I want to raise my kids and share all of those precious moments with them and not rely on nannies. Spending time at home over the past few months, I have felt richer than I ever did working all the time. My soul feels rich and that doesn't have anything to do with money or material things. To feel content, I just need a roof over my head and to be surrounded by the people I love. That's why I'm dedicating this letter to my mom and all of the mom's out there. What would the world do without you? Mom, thanks for being the best role model ~ you rock!
GAG! Oh my god, my mom would shoot me in the head if I wrote her a letter like this. However, I'm glad to hear the Brit-ster's soul is feeling rich...it's probably a result of the bazillions of dollars in her bank account. My soul feels poor...as does the rest of me. But, I guess if your criteria for great motherhood is looking good in a bikini, maybe it's easier to have a rich feeling soul since it's not really that deep and probably gets filled up real easy. Also, it's kind of ironic that her cooking is bringing her such joy since her restaurant failed in what, like 3 days? I could go on and on but class starts in 10 minutes. More to come later on Ms. Spears.
Whatever happened to fingerpaints and safety scissors?
Since when is it OK for a kindergartner to have an "on-the-go lifestyle" or even a "lifestyle?" They're like 4! God, no wonder so many people are impossible to deal with. We're ruining people when they're still little kids! Should kids be so busy that they have to multi-task in the car? I don't think so.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Random Musings
- Exams start two weeks from today. One class I think I have semi-under-control, one is a TOTAL mess (and has a closed book exam), and one is in the middle (closed note, open book). The closed book exam has a set format, can be any time in history from 1800-present, and has to be "publishable quality"...uh huh.
- I am making coffee cake right now. It smells so good I'm about to pass out. Seriously.
- I am too busy. Further, the next person that tells me I'm "not really busy" I'm just "not managing my time right" is going to get punched right in the throat. That goes double for the next person that tells me that I should get used to it because this is how it is "in the real world." I guess it's POSSIBLE you know more about the "real world" than me, I mean retail can be VERY cutthroat. So much more responsibility than being a military officer in the intelligence community post-9/11. Yeah. SHUT UP.
- Lots of compliments on the red hair today. I still like it even though it's darker than it's been in a long time.
- I don't give a shit about Julia Robert's stupid twins. Honest to god, you would think it's the Second Coming or something with all the attention she's getting. Perhaps it's not clear that women have babies every day...she's not really all that special, unless you count her ability to pick dumb baby names and to have more money than god just for having big horsey teeth and weird newborn deer shaky legs.
- Had peer mentoring today. I trotted out all my best "bad things that happened to me during exams" stories but only like one of the little bastards laughed. That is really irritating. I'm talking one computer crash, one professor only got two of the ten pages and gave me a terrible grade, one room-spinning eye-watering hangover, and three questions on three separate exams where I had to go back and read a chapter in the respective book because I had no freaking clue what the answer was. All anyone wanted to hear about was "outlining" and "making tabs" and "indexing the tabs to the outline." Sheesh.
I have a great personality.
"Not very accurate, but highly entertaining."
If you can't be smart, be funny...that's what I always say! If the problem is about introducing character evidence regarding the most out there professor at the school (at least the most openly bizarre and semi-lunatic-al professor - but in a nice way) make sure to write a direct and cross that actually have nothing to do with character evidence (since you don't understand it in the least despite reading the chapter 87 times in a row) but are pretty damn funny. Also, get your friend to help you, because two funny-fied people are better than one. Here's just one example*/**:
Prosecutor: "Isn't it true that Prof. Torts was involved in a violent confrontation with another faculty member just two years ago?"
Character Witness (played by Evidence Prof): "Well, he is generally respected, but there was one time about two years ago that he punched another faculty member after a staff meeting, in fact it was the Dean of the Law School."
Pros: "Can you explain to the jury what happened?"
CW: "Well, during that staff meeting the Dean explained to us that a student had filed a formal complaint for being locked out of his first year Torts class for wearing an 'I Own A Gun And I Vote' t-shirt. Prof. Torts, in his frustration over the issue, went to punch a wall behind him, and inadvertently punched the Dean in the throat. Afterwards though, they both had a good laugh and no charges were filed."
Pros: "So, aside from the incident at the staff meeting, are you aware of any other instances where Prof. Torts acted in a violent manner?"
CW: "Well no, but I did hear a rumor around school that Prof. Torts was once arrested for attempting to sell drugs. But later, when I asked him about it, he told me that after he was arrested and the police tested the substance they found, it turned out to be coffee creamer. What can I say? Prof. Torts only likes organic hazelnut vanilla coffee creamer and as such, is forced to carry it on his person."
*Not that most of you know where I go to school or who my professors are, but it should be OBVIOUS that this is made up and bears no resemblance to anyone's life, real or imagined.
** All of you know that I am in law school, but it should be OBVIOUS that I have only a cursory knowledge of the law and a serious lack of understanding on how to apply what I do know. However, it should be noted that we INTENDED this to be funny rather than accurate after noticing that we had a clear lack of understanding on the evening before it was due. We meant it to be wrong. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Big. Red. Flag.
He's Just Not That Into You if ... He's Not Calling You. ("With the advent of cell phones and speed dials it is almost impossible not to call you. Sometimes I call people from my pants pocket when I don't even mean to.")
He's Just Not That Into You if ... He's Not Asking You Out. ("Sadly, not wanting to see you in person is massive as far as dating obstacles go.")
He's Just Not That Into You if ... He's Not Having Sex With You. ("Get a big red crayon. Color in this flag. You've just made a big red flag. Good, because that's what a man not wanting to have sex with you is.")
I think I'm gonna get this for Christmas for myself. Not because I have anyone who's not into me (perish the thought) but it just seems like it would be really funny. And maybe someday I'll have my very own Cabana Boy and I'll know what to do if he quits calling or doesn't want to be seen in public with me. Bastard.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
I felt like I needed a change in life, so as of one hour and one bottle* ago, I am officially a red head. I like it, it's very saucy if I do say so myself.
Additionally, I am having herb goat cheese and crackers and Vanilla Diet Coke and Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby for dinner. I am going to stuff myself silly, watch Desperate Housewives and Boston Legal and prepare to start my new and improved life tomorrow.
PS: Grandpa Spatula came through surgery with flying colors, the doctors can't believe that he's 83 and has lived through 2 broken hips in 6 weeks. Now starts the process of convincing him he shouldn't live alone anymore (technically Uncle Useless lives with him -- but he's just a big old psychic vampire). He gets out of the hospital on Wednesday and my parents are going to try to take him over to the assisted living facility later this week...I think they're trying to strike while the iron is hot, he made an emergency room promise to my dad that he would be willing to find a safe place to live...but we'll see. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
*Bottle of Hair Dye...I'm not an alcoholic. I'M NOT!
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Bad News :(
Update later I'm sure.
UPDATE (6:43pm): Grandpa Spatula went straight from the ER into surgery and had three or four screws placed in his hip to hold all the pieces together. This is apparently much less invasive than the full replacement he had a few weeks ago and they expect him to be up and around this week. He got out of surgery about 30 minutes ago and seems to be pretty alert. I guess the whole story is something like: He took his dog (Dingo) out for a walk, a dog from the neighbor's house attacked Dingo and Grandpa, Grandpa tried to use his walking stick to make the dog stop, and the dog basically knocked the stick away and knocked Grandpa over. Owner of the dog came out to see what was going on, called an ambulance, called my Uncle, and then rode to the hospital with Grandpa. There is apparently some family drama going on with Uncle and Daddy Spatula, but Dad's not home from the hospital yet...but this is the same Uncle that disrupted Thanksgiving as well. And the same Uncle that is in his early 50's and is "finding himself" while living rent free with Grandpa Spatula, and not working, and hates his life and everyone in it, and is just generally bipolar and a huge waste of space, while my dad tends to my Grandpa's every need. Oh relatives, aren't they great? Anyway, tomorrow I drive home, so maybe an update tomorrow night. Also, it's snowing in the mountains, which would be pretty if I didn't have to drive through it tomorrow morning at 7am. *sigh* Let's just hope it doesn't take 10 hours, my nerves are shot.
Friday, November 26, 2004
Turkey Day Part 1: The Drive From HELL
I started out happy and optimistic. I skipped my final class in order to leave a little early because I had heard traffic was already getting heavy, and I wanted to get a headstart. I put on Jimmy Buffett: Boats and headed out on the road. And realized the gas was 3/4 empty. Apparently rental car companies no longer feel the need to give you a full tank. Good to know. So, not wanting to let anything mar my chipper mood I pulled off the freeway, filled up the tank, picked up a peanut butter Twix and a Diet Coke, and headed back out. Restarted the CD for good measure.
Everything was fine until I hit the slightly more southern TVPNM, we'll call it TVPNM Annex, which was INSANE. I put in Maroon 5 and tried to relax. It took me two hours to get the 30 or so miles from TVPNM Annex to TVPN State Capital. Maroon 5 was replaced with a mix CD aptly named (by me) "Not Mellow Stuff."
Hour four found me still almost 100 miles from the next nearest huge city, normally a little over three hours away. More Jimmy Buffett to try to get through, this time Bars and Ballads.
After hitting next major city in roughly twice the time it normally takes, I was ready for more Diet Coke and more food, so when it seemed like traffic might be thinning out I stopped for Burger King and a HUGE Diet Coke. Listened to James Taylor's Greatest Hits and a CD I made a long time ago for a boy I liked called "Mood Music." Thought about all manners of depressing things about my life. Gave up and ate more french fries that one would think humanly possible.
Hours six through eight taught me that you should never assume traffic is thinning out. Big accident plus crappy 55 MPH highways plus two lanes equals me sitting on my ass in the car for two hours and moving approximately 25 feet.
Hour nine was what I fondly remember as the "Hour of Hardcore Gangsta Rap." Pimphomio and Julieho are now among my dearest friends. And a shoutout to M.'s fiance K. for making me a kickass CD (named, by one or both of them, "Pimps Up, Ho's Down") that I would truly be ashamed for my mother to ever find out I had handled without gloves, let alone listened to. She would box my ears for sure.
Hour ten. Sweet hour ten. The second hour of going over the mountains, in the pitch black (since there are NO cities out here), in the rain, wondering if it's cold enough to be frozen yet, thinking about what people will say if I die after flying off the road on black ice, especially since I didn't get the extra insurance on the car and I'll certainly be leaving enough student loans and credit card bills to really screw up my parents retirement. "Law student, twice-divorced, massively in debt, cavities, trunk full of 72.4 pounds of dirty laundry, looking pretty shitty actually, died in a single car collision as she reached for her Diet Coke and flew off a mountain pass on black ice. She leaves behind a rather sad looking fish named Beefstick or something like that and a legacy of general crankiness." Couldn't find the CD case because it had gone under the seat and so was stuck listening to a DIFFERENT James Taylor CD which only has three songs I like for almost an hour.
Got home, put in some laundry, told my parents funny anecdotes about the new plunger and Beefy and then went to sleep around midnight, only to be woken up at 5:30 by my dad getting ready for his morning bike ride. And thus started Thanksgiving day, a day which will go down in Spatula family history as the "Day the Hope of Leftovers Died." If I have time I'll be bringing you that story later this weekend.
Tomorrow is Costco, dinner out (my mom is traumatized and doesn't want to cook), and hopefully some homework since I can feel my guts twisting every time I think of how far behind I am. Good news of the day is that my mom and dad are going to get a new bigscreen TV as soon as (insert some techo-mumbo-jumbo about HDTV here) happens and I'm going to inherit their current kickass bigscreen TV. It's HUGE! Yay!
No leftovers?
Thursday, November 25, 2004
1. Having M. as a friend who loves and supports me no matter what I do, or how stupid it is (thinking about the decision to go to law school here).
2. Having such wonderful parents who are smart, healthy, funny, loving, supportive, creative and filled with joy and try to always help me to be the person they know I have the potential to be.
3. Making such fabulous friends at law school who seem to always pop up just when I need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on or a ride home when I'm sick or cupcakes when I'm studying.
4. Having had the opportunity to travel the world and experience different places and cultures so that I can truly understand that no matter how much I appreciate other places, there's no place like home.
5. Having a fish that has lived longer than two weeks and provides a constant source of entertainment for me and doesn't mind listening to me complain about my day every morning as I get ready. (Do fish have ears? --ed.)
Anyway, don't forget to tell whoever is cooking your Thanksgiving meal THANK YOU for working all day just to watch everyone eat in about 20 minutes, and enjoy your holiday!
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Just Because: The Happy Birthday Edition
Happy Birthday M!!!!



Also, I'm leaving to go home for Thanksgiving this afternoon...so who knows about posting and whatnot. Depends how much time I can manage to finagle on the computer without my parents thinking I'm addicted to porn or involved in "one of the those damn internet schemes."
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Just Because: Beefy McManstick Badass Spatula


A special thanks to my good friend Legal Quandary for lending me her digital camera to take these pics.
Down to the Banana Republic
"In January 1994 the second panel issued its report (Bananas II)..."
"In March 1994, the EC and four of the complaining parties negotiated the so-called 'Bananas Agreement.'"
"In September, the United States announced that it, along with Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, would challenge the EC banana regime in the new WTO. This became known as the Bananas III dispute."
Just so we're clear, what we have here is:
Latin Bananas
Bananas II
The Banana Agreement
Bananas III (The Dispute)
Also, they all star Herbie the Love Bug, Burt Reynolds, an orangutan wearing diapers and a bonnet, a cyborg, and Jennifer Lopez.
When all else fails, blame it on someone else
Anyway, on another, less frustrating note, I hope to have some pictures of Beefy McManstick Badass Spatula up soon...like in the next couple of days.
UPDATE: The NBA Union guy just blamed the fight on the War in Iraq too! What is WRONG with these people? He also said that the NBA and sports in general is a microcosm of the bigger system and the country is polarized and the players are desensitized because of the VIOLENCE THEY SEE ON TV! Are they all FIVE? I must be watching the wrong NBA because I thought they were all grown men making exorbitant amounts of money. Huh...wierd.
UPDATE: mellow-drama gives some commentary on the big fight here and here (this one has a video if you haven't seen it...which I guess means you don't own a TV or you have one that you don't actually turn on since the fight clip is on rapid rotation).
Monday, November 22, 2004
Christmas is coming early to the Beefy McManstick Badass Spatula household
3 lb. Beefstick (sorry Beefy)
Pleasure Pack
Tempting Twosome
Head over and check out the others, very funny.
A few random notes for people who pissed me off today.
1. If a path is wide enough for four people to walk side by side comfortably, the way we usually interpret that here in America is that each direction will get one half of the path, thereby allowing two people to walk side by side in each direction. If you think that just because you are 19 and semi-cute and you're with your three equally braindead and marginally attractive friends that somehow you have the right to walk four across and cause me to have to walk in the mud on the side, you are mistaken. I guess the way I wouldn't move and made you walk around me probably communicated to you how I feel about you and your three idiotic Britney-Spears-only-less-attractive friends hogging up the path, but just in case it didn't, let this public declaration serve as your warning. Stay out of my way. Seriously.
2. If I send out three emails in a row informing all the recipients (a) how I got their names and email addresses, and (b) that all they have to do to get off the list is let me know, then your email to me stating that you "Don't know how you got on my list" and "You would appreciate being taken off immediately" just makes me want to "forget" to do it for about the next six months. But instead I sent you back a snotty response and I feel infinitely better. How about you?
3. If you are a person who I have shown no interest in whatsoever in the past year and a half, and in fact, you see me actively avoiding you on a regular basis, I would appreciate it if you would just leave me alone. For real. Let's NOT get to know each other. I ALREADY know I don't like you. Go away.
4. If it is raining, and I am walking without an umbrella, and you are walking with an umbrella and you are an asshole and your umbrella pokes me at all about my head and neck area, I am going to feel free to throttle you with my bare hands. You may consider yourself warned as well.
5. If you are the seller of any retail product or service and you are rude to me while I am trying to purchase your product or service I am warning you that I am about one bad experience away from coming totally unhinged. That goes double for the car rental people tomorrow. You've even been PRE-warned, so there will be no excuses accepted.
6. They're = they are (See those stupid girls hogging up the path? What's funny is that they're all in college and yet not one of them looks smart enough to breathe on her own.); There = At or in that place (See those girls over there, the ones on the path? They suck and probably all have herpes.); Their = A modifier before a noun (See those girls on the path? Their shiny frosted pink lipstick looks equally horrible on all four of them.).
7. If you are in charge of the law school building, here's a hint: 92 degrees is not an acceptable temperature for a classroom unless that classroom is being used for that crazy hot-room yoga, or that classroom is in Hell. Please fix before I lose my mind (although I did like that we got out of class 20 minutes early...but still).
8. If you are the guy that called my organization's office today and then threatened to call the Dean because YOU had called the wrong number and I didn't know the number you wanted to call, go eff yourself. Seriously. I tried to help you, but when you started yelling, and then explained to me that you weren't yelling, and then yelled some more, you really lost me. Even when I explained that I was a student you still yelled. Here's a newsflash buddy: YOU CAN'T GET ME FIRED BECAUSE THANK GOD I DON'T WORK HERE! Go to hell.
9. If you are an office that I need something from, and you force me to fill out more than one form to get that thing I need, I just want you to know that there is a special place in hell for you. A place where you fill out forms all day and all night and nobody ever helps you and there is no door to escape and the bathroom is not clearly marked and you have to ask for a key anyway only there of course is no one to ask because every single person that works there is on a perpetual lunch break and the one person in the very back cubicle behind a locked window who you KNOW can see you is talking on her cellphone to her friend about her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend's brother's cousin's wife and how she's pregnant and isn't sure if the daddy is the manager of the Wal-Mart deli or the Flagger from the local road crew and there's a tiny bell that rings every 19.3 seconds for all of eternity that tolls for the loss of customer service in America and the onslaught of a service industry culture where apparently only morons and degenerates are able to be hired to fill front-end customer interaction positions.
10. I'm going home now. For ice cream. And a beer.
UPDATE: I got home and ordered a pizza. And I live in an apartment where you have to call to get let in. Only I forgot to turn my phone ringer on, so the poor pizza guy stood out there for ten minutes trying to get in touch with me. I gave him a big tip and apologized profusely and didn't slit his throat when he hit on me, so I figure my karmic balance is OK.
UPDATE2: I decided I needed a Diet Coke to go with the pizza (and that I desperately needed some caffeine) so I went to the laundry room and put my money in the machine and I got TWO, count'em TWO, Diet Cokes for the price of one! Finally things are looking up!
Yes, we have no bananas
"Bananas come primarily from three areas: The Caribbean, Central and South America (latin bananas), and the Philippines."
I have no idea why I think that's funny, except that the author felt the need to explain that bananas coming from Central and South America are "latin."
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Judge "Mr. Shore, my motto is 'If it smells funny, I don't eat it.'"
James Spader (Alan Shore): "Funny, that's the exact opposite of my motto."
Is it almost Monday already?
Also, by some total miracle, I actually slept in until 10:41 this morning. Shocking! I haven't slept in past 8 a.m. or so in YEARS! Including yesterday when I got about 4 hours of sleep and still went to school first thing in the morning. Guess the past week caught up with me.
Tomorrow starts the crazy hamster-wheel of my life again...I am SO glad this is a short week. Also, I pick up my rental for driving home for Thanksgiving on Tuesday, so watch out TVPNM drivers! I do love getting to drive though. Since I don't have a car here, every time I go home I volunteer to run out for every errand and try to make at least three or four unnecessary trips a day. It's like being 16 again. Except I found three gray hairs last week. *sniffle*
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Who me? I'm reading. And studying. Yeah.
How to make your day just a little bit worse in thirteen easy steps.
First: Go to store with object of trip being buying cleaning implements to clean bathroom...including new toilet brush because old one was both yucky and icky and needed to be thrown out. Also, because "someone*" used old one to kill a big gross spider in the bathtub and there were creepy legs caught in it. Better to just buy a new one.
Second: Once at store, become enthralled with all manners of new and wonderful cleaning products that have been invented since last purchase of new toilet brush. One of these, the toilet cleaning stick with disposable sponge head thingie, seems particularly enchanting and HOORAY is on sale. Purchase disposable toilet cleaning wand thingie (DTCWT) and a single package containing one (1) toilet bowl tablet thingie (TBTT) for killing germs and whatnot.
Third: Feel superior to all those stupid people cleaning their toilets the old fashioned way. Smirk.
Fourth: Go home. Throw TBTT into toilet tank. Watch water turn blue. Oh shit. Feel concerned that people coming over and using toilet will be disturbed by green water after they pee in it. Decide that most people coming over are drunk and will probably think (a) it's a game, or (b) they are hallucinating. Open DTCWT and attach disposable sponge head thingie (is it immature to ALWAYS laugh when you write the word "head" no matter the context?).
Fifth: Think about woman in DTCWT commercial who happily scrubs toilet, detaches disposable sponge head thingie, and flushes it, all the while feeling enchanted at how delightful her life of scrubbing toilets has become now that she doesn't have to struggle with that complicated and menacing toilet brush. Scrub toilet. Feel kind of happy, but not the same way the lady in the commercial feels. Damnit.
Sixth: Detach disposable sponge head thingie. Feel marginally more happy that it just has to be flushed and then bathroom drudgery is over. Flush. Uh-oh.
Seventh: Watch with increasing dismay as navy blue water rises and rises and then overflows onto pink bathroom rug and shitty linoleum. Dig through the trash in a panic trying to find packaging from DTCWT.
Eighth: Read packaging. Yup, it says disposable. Oh wait, why is that red line through the picture of the toilet. Wonder for a second if I could have gotten this very very wrong. Think about commercial. In commercial woman is disposing of square shaped scrubby head thingie, in toilet is lodged round shaped scrubby head thingie. Huh. Read package more thoroughly. Yes, disposable in the context of this PARTICULAR BRAND of DTCWT means that it may be disposed of in the trash. Oops.
Ninth: Flush toilet again to see if maybe it has moved down and will miraculously fix itself. Rising tide of navy blue water. Damn the TBTT. Put on coat, go back to store for plunger.
Tenth: Stand in hardware aisle of grocery store trying to decide which plunger is "better" and then wonder what plunger quality criteria are. Decide on black one because it looks more badass and stealthy. Walk through store to card aisle and buy birthday card for M., laughing hysterically and holding plunger.
Eleventh: Walk home two blocks holding plunger. Try to look dignified.
Twelfth: Plunge toilet. Flush. Rising navy blue tide. Plunge. Get navy blue droplets of water on every surface of bathroom including white shower curtain and pink hand towels. Decide that at least it's probably antibacterial or something. Pray. Plunge. Flush. Finally disposable spongy thing is gone. Make note to self to (a) read directions BEFORE using next wonderful cleaning implement bought at grocery store on sale, and (b) to try to figure out why women on TV cleaning bathrooms seem so happy.
Thirteenth: Have stiff drink, or ten, at bar with friends. Tell this story about 200 times.
*OK, I admit it, it was me.
These are the moments of my life.
So, today is all day at school, tomorrow is all day at school...guess the fun part of the weekend is officially over.
PS: You might have noticed that my images are down. I've been a very naw-ty girl and got spanked by my image hosting service, so they should be back up tomorrow I think. If not, I'm getting a new service.
PS pt. 2: I just remembered that with some of the $14 in tokens my friend and I and her really good friend tried to play a driving game and I crashed my car into the wall like 14 times and lost my four tokens or whatever it cost in about 1 minute...I was so drunk. Good think I don't have a car I guess, it doesn't seem like I'd be one of those people that could drive drunk and get away with it.
PS pt. 3: I have a great story to tell you but I have to get some work done, so maybe later. It involves me being just as dippy as ever for your entertainment.
PS pt. 4: I have a tiny little bit of a crush on the boy who works at the pizza place across from the school...he's probably WAY younger than me, and has dreadlocks, which is DEFINITELY not my thing at all, but still, for some reason he just has Cabana Boy written all over him. Crushes are nice...and I justify an awful lot of pizza these days going over there just to take a look and sigh.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Note to Self:
I will be acting on this note in T-minus 5 hours.
Link via not martha
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Mental Vacation
Yeah, I can't spell. Also, about half the keys on my keyboard don't have the letters anymore and when I get tired I just get even less detail oriented than my usual general standard of pure laziness.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
I see London, I see France...I see a bunch of kinda wierd looking underpants.
Behold The Baskit. And The Baskit Energy...which looks to have a little more...er...energy. For those of you concerned with safety, but not getting laid enough to invest in hot undies, try the Baskit Urban Bikini with condom pocket.
The Chereskin. Somebody has alternate uses for their sweatsocks...that's all I'm saying. FreshPair says: "This bikini is perfect for athletes and guys who want to impress!"
The Magic Silk G-String. Comes in Black, Cobalt, Golden Cheetah (grrrrr!!), Red, Orange , Purple, and Turquoise. And seems to have minimizing effects judging from the picture. Oh wait, is that bad? Here's what FreshPair says about the Magic Silk G-String:
The stretchy, silk pouch covers vital areas and not much more! Brave and bold this skimpy g-string doesn't leave much to the imagination. Choose from a variety of colors and prints to suit your every mood. Purple is not available until late september. Orange and turquoise available in November.
It boggles the mind why Purple is only available in the winter and Orange isn't available until well after October, when one would think the need would be greatest. What if the manwhore buying this particular g-string is an Autumn? Guess he'll have to go for Golden Cheetah.
Magic Silk also makes a Chartreuse G-String Pouch. Which this guy is wearing well, even though the "pouch" is barely big enough for a pair of my earrings. And in case it's not clear, by "well" I mean "sadly not filling."
The C-IN 2 Lo No Show. "this trunk features a non-functional contour pouch with a single center seam and is cut to accentuate the lower abdomen and bottom. The sides measure 7.5 inches from the top of the waistband to the top of the front leg seam. " I'm glad I know exactly how long these are in inches. I'm just saying. It's like having a ruler. "Put the underwear on. QUIT ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS AND PUT ON THE DAMN PANTIES. I'm trying to check something."
The Munsingwear Full Rise Comfort Pouch Brief. I thought they only made training *bras*...but apparently no. It does however have "a 2-exit fly for right or left preference." Boys love choices.
I could go on and on all night, but I'll end with a classic. The Calvin Klein Boxer Brief...normally a personal fave of mine...but kind of strange looking on a male model that's basically doing the man equivalent of sticking out his chest. Only not his chest. You know.
It's stress. But it's PAID stress!
Headline of the Day
No word yet on whether they will be able to target Wal-Mart parking lots and Britney Spears.
Makes me wish Britney had put a wedding announcement in the NY Times.
Quote of the Day: "Sharing a love of androgynous first names, Jordan and Lee were wed this past week. Neither of their lives is really all that remarkable."
DUSHANBE (Reuters) - A 23-meter (75-foot) high monument in Tajikistan called "Eternal Life" collapsed on Wednesday and nearly killed five people.
Five men working on the monument designed as a new centerpiece heralding optimism after war in the 1990s suffered broken arms and legs when it came crashing down on top of them, said police spokesman Alisher Khakimov.
It's late. So so late.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
I'm a giver. Heh heh.
eXpressive: 8/10
Practical: 3/10
Physical: 4/10
Giver: 6/10
You are a XSIG--Expressive Sentimental Intellectual Giver.
This makes you a Teddy Bear. Hee! I just want to give you a big squeeze. You are tender, honest, generous and fair. You are an excellent kisser and a sensitive, communicative lover, and you know it. You would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings or overstep his/her boundaries. You have beautiful eyes.
Most people take your laid-back attitude, blazing wit and subtle sexiness and stick you in "friend." But some see your extreme hotness for what it is and latch on. This means you have a few members of your target sex in the bank at all times -- I call this "money in the sex bank" -- but you're too sensitive and thoughtful to exploit them. More than once.
You are so rational and deliberate in an argument that it can frustrate and exhaust your partner. Your fights can take forever, but your press on with them until they are completely resolved and both you and your partner are satisfied. If your partner is weak of will, s/he may just give in -- be wary of this! An emotional or passive-aggressive outburst later will hurt and horrify you.
It is *critically important* that you are able to respect your partner. The moment you lose respect for him/her, you lose everything.
When you make friends, you make them for life -- you can go without speaking to a friend for years and pick up right where you left off.
You are completely faithful, both physically and emotionally.
You are the second best (to XPIG) parent of any type.
If you are male, you have a huge shlong. Just saying. Of the 154601 people who have taken this quiz, 8 % are this type.
So anyway, leave it to me to make a short thought into a long-winded post, but I wanted to say Thanks!! to everyone for reading Favorable Dicta, and for not sending me any hate mail...and a special thanks to the couple of you that have volunteered to be my Cabana Boys...have your parole officers call me! ;)
Shoulda took the toothpick.
Quote of the Day: "When Post began using her hands to pluck olives from a tray of drink garnishes, bartender Michael O'Leary offered her a toothpick. She refused, then grabbed a handful of olives and stuffed them in her mouth, O'Leary remembered. "
That is SO dignified! I guess that's why they made her Asparagus Festival Executive Director.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Survivor: 2L
It's 10pm and I just got home from witnessing in my friend's mock trial (cop tonight, weepy cancer stricken girlfriend tomorrow night) (oh yeah, she has a blog too!), plus am in the middle of a revision of a huge evidence paper that is eating all my free time. Throw in my job interview for a research assistant position tomorrow afternoon, reading, other homework, worrying, boozing, eating ice cream, and having panic attacks, and I think I'm just about out of time.
Oh yeah, I'm now the president of the Military Law Association (thanks to my good pal Legal Quandary for nominating me...it was actually pretty funny...Her: "I nominate E. Spat"; Me: "Uh, um, uh...I thought YOU were going to run for President") and I'm the new 2L rep to the Womens Law Caucus Steering Committee. I will soon be running for Supreme Ruler of All Cabana Boys and Queen of the Whole Entire Universe (I'm already Special Assistant In Charge of Hating Stupid People and Feeling Put-Upon).
I need a nap. And soon. The crankiness threatens to overtake my normally cheery personality. And by "cheery" I mean "kind of mean and sarcastic but in a funny way...mostly."
I'm still white trash ya'll...just in case you was wonderin'.

Honeymoon Poem
A honeymoon at last, to get away from it all
My assistant Fe gave me the call.
I remember it well, as she was smilin'
She said it was called Turtle Island.
I packed my bags light and quick,
Then grabbed my pink dress & favorite lipstick.
We hopped on a plane and took our flight
I slept really well, all through the night.
As we arrive, I turn and look out the door,
People are greeting us right at the shore.
A meal, a shower and some ice cream
Then I threw my man down, you know what I mean!
Magical nights filled with stars
Silence is golden, no running cars.
Private dinners, romantic fires
Little piece of heaven, whatever your heart desires.
Friendly "hellos" and never goodbyes
When you're having fun, oh, how time flies!
As we sit and prepare to make our part
I thank you, Turtle Island, with all my heart!
~ Britney
Sunday, November 14, 2004
You see Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.
I really just want to go and be like "Right now I have FOUR different professors Bob, FOUR! When I don't do the reading I have four different people hassling me about it and all that really motivates me to do is go right to the bookstore and buy a supplement so I won't have to read. Truthfully Bob, I only work hard enough not to fail out and be forced to get a job and pay back my loans." Strategic planning process? C'mon...we're still on QUARTERS and no one has been able to get that fixed despite consistent student activism aimed at moving us to semesters...but hopefully Bob will make it happen. At least we can rest easy knowing that finally those damn TPS reports will have the right coversheet.
Help us make the law school a better place for students!
Students will meet with Bob Slydell again on Monday, November 15th from 12:30-2:00 in the Library Conference room (L142). Mr. Slydell is a consultant the law school has hired to guide us through the strategic planning process, which will identify the priorities, goals, and direction for our school. Meeting with Mr. Slydell is the students' chance to have our voices heard in this important process. So, if you have something about which you are concerned, or an important area that you would like to see improved or developed, (such as curriculum reform, switching to semesters, concentration tracks, and the clinical education program, just to name a few,) then don't miss this opportunity!
Many students will not be able to attend the entire 1 ½ hour meeting with Mr. Slydell. However, you should feel free to stop by the meeting for an hour, or even a half of an hour, if that's all the time you can spare. What’s important is that students have the chance to voice their thoughts. Hope to see you there. And please let me know if you have any questions.
Damnit Jim!
PS: Last night I spent the evening at an event hosted by someone named "Glamazonia." 'Nuff said.
PS pt 2: Q. Why does my state still follow the Frye standard instead of FRE 702 or Daubert? WHY? A. To make my life a living hell.
Friday, November 12, 2004
And, Scott, I will be expecting that beer! I'll also be looking forward to another lunch with AI!
*By "stuff" I obviously mean "drink"
Who's on first?
- 4 Interviewers -- 2 Partners, 1 Mid-Level Associate, 1 Junior Associate -- 1/2 hour each
- 2/4 interviewers do not know that I've already been interviewed during OCI
- 1/4 interviewers demands to know why I'm there so late and how come I didn't show up with all the other 2L's -- seems unsatisfied by my "We're on quarters" argument.
- 1/4 interviewers asks me how I like being a 3L.
- 4/4 interviewers GRILL me about my connections to San Francisco and all cite the reason for this as people coming out for the summer to live in San Francisco and not being willing to commit.
- 1/4 interviewers will NOT accept my answer regarding ties to San Francisco, that I've lived all over the world and grew up an Air Force brat and if the only place I can apply for a job is a place I have ties than I'm pretty limited to one podunk paper mill town in southern Oregon where my parents bought into the country club and retired.
- 1/4 interviewers tells me that they have room in the summer class but they're not going to give it to someone that doesn't have concrete ties to San Francisco and they don't want to waste their offers on people [implicit in this is "people like me, people without ties, etc." -- ed].
- 2/4 interviewers RAVE about how great it is to work there but can't provide any concrete basis for their claims.
- 1/4 interviewers tells me, when pressed, that why they like working there so much is that it's so consuming. And I quote "I work, I go to the gym, and then I go home and drink wine...that's my life."
- 1/4 interviewers start the interview off with "So, how many offers do you have?"
- 3/4 interviewers ask me why I'm not taking XYZ Law (the type of law they practice) and seem unimpressed with my "We have a lottery system" answer.
- 1/4 interviewers said I should blow off school today and stay in San Francisco for the weekend and just "submit the receipt to the firm and get them to pay for it" [they only paid half my last minute airfare there, so this claim is pretty spurious -- ed].
- 0/4 interviewers know ANYTHING about the military or seem remotely interested in any prior work experience I may have had before starting law school.
- 0/4 interviewers seems to have looked at my resume. In fact, one asks me for one because they lost it before I got there and just hadn't thought about it until I walked in.
- 2/4 interviewers take calls during my interview.
Overall, I just felt like they treated me like someone who had walked in off the street, clearly no one had read (or even glanced at) my resume, and there was this concern about my ties to the city that was disconcerting. I mean, at what point does the interviewer just accept that I am probably not going to suddenly remember my grandma lives there or something? Also, since when is it held against you that your parent was in the military and so you don't have a "hometown" or a typical hometown experience? I can't stress how much THEY stressed this...out of a two hour total interview time, I bet I spent 1 full hour answering questions about my ties/lack of ties to the San Francisco area. Anyway, I have a feeling I won't need to be worrying about an offer from them.
On the other hand, I think there will soon be a good news announcement in the job department on this very blog. Stay tuned for further developments.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
And who are you again?
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Big Trouble in Little China
So, I'll be back on Friday. Until then...I don't know, read the archives or something. Or better yet, start outlining for my Family Law class and send me whatever you get done! :)
*UPDATE: Upon further reading, I realize that it is unclear that I will be taking a shower BEFORE I leave in an effort to prettify myself, not taking a shower during the interview in an effort to prove what a fun girl I am. That will become apparent during the "Lapdance/Naughty Nurse" portion of the interview.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Rue the day? Who talks like that?
Look Ya'll...I just want to be left alone! Right after I put this letter on my website.
First off, Brit is doing a little bit of home redecorating.
I'm redecorating a lot of things because when we decide to start a family, everything in it needs to be perfecto! I love decorating; it's very therapeutic for me. I believe your house is a reflection of yourself, so I want everything in mine to be exquisite.
Perfecto? Is it a South of the Border/Louisiana Redneck theme? Also, I wonder where one purchases the "Rode Hard and Put Up Wet" Collection?
Secondly, our little songbird is learning arts and crafts.
My new hobby is experimenting with all different types of art lessons. It's always been a passion of mine. Maybe I'll even do my sister's make-up next year for big events.
Wow, I would be so happy if my big sister had to take art lessons to be able to do my makeup! What I want to know is why can't little Jamie Lynn just go with the zit cream and cigarette look like big sis? If it's a formal event just add big sister's trucker hat that says "Carpe Assum: Seize the Ass." Voila!
Next, Brit wants us to know that she's shifting her priorities. I so miss the "My Prerogative" reference we got in the last Letter of Truth though!
I can actually enjoy & reflect on my success at this point in my life. I may be disappointing some fans out there, but I don't think I'll do another tour for a couple of years.
I know I'm disappointed! Gosh, we'll all miss your lip-synching Brit! Maybe you should send your hand me down vocal aids to Ashlee Simpson.
Just when we think Brit might be a grinch, we learn she is Very Excited about the Holiday's.
The Holiday's are right around the corner and I can't wait to have my own Christmas tree in my very own house. As far as New Year's plans, I really wanted to have a huge party for all our friends and relatives who were unable to be at our wedding, due to the last minute surprise element, but I think we might have to wait until after the house is completely finished.
I guess everyone will have to open their presents at home! What better place to enjoy your new "Pimp" or "Ho" velour sweatsuit than in the comfort of your own crib? Also, it must be tough redecorating in only a few short months when you have more money than God. And Lindsey Lohan.
Apparently, Britney isn't the only crazy bitch in the house either.
Well, I've got to go. My dog, Lacy, just got fixed and she's not acting like herself! I'm going to have Shabby Chic re-cover her bed and maybe that will lift her spirits!
Nothing says "Sorry about sterilizing you and taking our your reproductive organs" like having your doggie bed redone with an old curtain.
And last but not least, Ms. Spears-Alexander-Federline would like us to know that she might have been a little hasty in her last Letter of Truth. And to think, it was so well written.
Regarding last week's letter: I'm not the type of person to put blame on other people, but I do feel that some things which were done for me were not always in my best interests. Looking back, I feel now that on my 4th album "less is more" should have been the way to go. As for me quitting the business for good, that is kind of harsh. As I said earlier, my priorities have changed and I am going to be focusing on three main areas of my life for the immediate future. Myself, my husband, Kevin and starting a family.
I'm sure she'll be focusing in that order as well. First things first. She's gonna be a great mom, just sitting on the porch swiggin PBR and chain-smoking and firing nannies because they won't stop flirting with her
So, in summation, Britney Spears actually IS as dumb as she looks. And a slut. And has no talent whatsoever. That will be all.
Interviews and Illness
So, I don't know if I'll get any miles in today, guess it depends how I'm feeling. But, due to my Evidence professor moving back the due dates of both our papers which were due next week, I have some breathing room. Hooray for actually having time to be sick.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Howdy Neighbor
Hello! I'm sorry to interrupt your
First of all, the bass. I can tell that you believe that you are a very talented bass player. And while I think it's important to believe in yourself, in your case I believe it to be totally unwarranted. So, because I know it's important to you, I'm going to allow you to keep you bass, but with one caveat. The next time my wall starts to shake I'm going to come over there and strangle you with a bass string. It'll hurt me more than it hurts you. Seriously. But I'm willing to sacrifice for
Secondly, what is that smell? Sweet baby jesus it's awful. Every time I leave my apartment my eyes water and my skin crawls and my stomach roils, but my god, you're living in it! Further, I can only assume that it's coming from something you are cooking to eat. What possible animal could you be cooking to make that smell? Last I heard there was no such thing as a rack of ass. Are you marinating your food in vomit? For your own sake, I urge you to think about only eating things that can be bought in a grocery store. In America.
The third and final thing I'd like to address is the constant thumping against the wall. Day and night. Night and day. Has your apartment been infested with Gremlins? Leprechauns? Sex-slave midgets? Is it cats? Do you have one of those refrigerator magnets that says "If I want to hear the pitter patter of little feet I'll put shoes on my cat"? Did you put shoes on your cat? Are they tap shoes? It's so annoying. More annoying than when my mom went through that phase where she played that Travis Tritt song "T-R-O-U-B-L-E" EVERY SINGLE DAY for an ENTIRE summer to wake me up. Because she thought it was funny. And believe me, the only thing that saved her life was the fact that she gave birth to me. That's not gonna work for you. I suggest you
I'm glad that we are able to talk about this like civilized people. Well, technically I'm writing this and judging by the looks of you, you'll be unable to read it, but hey, I feel better. And you've been warned. Not that I'm threatening. But I am.
In conclusion, knock it off. Or else.
Have a nice day. Best of luck
Prof. ConLaw: "Being on the Supreme Court means never having to say you're sorry."
True dat.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Your unwanted and unnecessary Boston Legal update
Also, William Shatner described a class action suit as bringing the firm "golden showers." Heh heh. I don't even want to think about the searches I'm going to get from that.
*Sigh* James Spader is so perfect. He's hot. And so so so so much more...the perfect mix of dry dry humor and a just barely contained beneath the surface dirty dirty mind. And he FINALLY screwed Tara tonight. *Sigh*
Vegas Baby, Yeah.
White Lines -- Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel
Walk This Way -- Run DMC
Funky Cold Medina -- Tone Loc
The Humpty Dance -- Digital Underground
Bust A Move -- Young MC
It Takes Two -- Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock
U Can't Touch This -- MC Hammer
Parents Just Don't Understand -- DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
Around The Way Girl -- LL Cool J
Set Adrift On Memory Bliss -- PM Dawn
Tennessee -- Arrested Development
Now That We Found Love -- Heavy D & The Boyz
Good Vibrations -- Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch
Baby Got Back -- Sir Mix-A-Lot
Jump Around -- House of Pain
Hip Hop Hooray -- Naughty by Nature
What's My Name -- Snoop Doggy Dogg
Nuthin' But a "G" Thang -- Dr. Dre
A couple of duds, but overall, very gym worthy and lots of music from my youth that makes me smile. Also, Sir Mix-A-Lot is a denizen of the TVPNM...so it's kind of like supporting my community. I also downloaded several of the songs that were left in the comments that I didn't already have. So overall, I at least have a good music mix on my MP3 player, whether I actually commit to gym time or not. But, I need to do. Mentally I'll feel better, physically I'll feel better, etc...*insert my dad's lecture about physical fitness here*
Crazy week ahead, second interview for fairly fab government job on Tuesday morning (via phone), second interview at firm on Thursday in San Francisco (via whirlwind trip). Hopefully they both go well so I have some choices of what to do and so that I can quit writing cover letters, an activity that I find truly detestable.
If anyone else wants to join the "Run/Walk/Bike/Ellipitcal Your Way to The Fab City of Your Choice" brigade, stick a counter up on your blog and we'll all do it together...if you want to go to Vegas, you can meet me and Steve there (and M., who is going to do it and send me her numbers so I can keep track of her on the blog as well). C'mon, it'll be fun.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
While I got a chance here, Let me clear my throat
Friday, November 05, 2004
Run for the Booze
And, oh yeah, I have a houseguest this weekend. A friend of mine who was my roommate my freshman year of college and who I haven't seen in over ten years, is going to be in town tomorrow and Sunday, and she's staying at my place. I think we've probably got LOTS to catch up on!
Public Service Announcement
Animal, vegetable or mineral?
Everybody was kung-fu fighting...
Most intriguing quote? "Trousers finally secure around his waist, the would-be street fighter opened the front door, looked at the deputies, assumed a fighting stance with closed fists, and received a two-second blast of pepper spray to the face."
Perhaps the best part is the police blotter entry just BELOW Mr. Kung Fu. I guess we've all been there. Right? Not just me. Right?
Officers standing at the intersection of Sabado Tarde Road and Camino del Sur observed an 18-year-old woman standing at the southeast corner of the intersection crying and having trouble keeping her balance.Officers attempted to contact the woman, who smelled strongly of alcohol and was slurring her words. However, the woman had more important business to attend to. "I can't talk to you," she said to the officers. "I have to talk on my cell phone." As she made the comment, she started falling backwards, and had to be caught by a deputy standing behind her. The reporting deputy noted that she did not trip or stumble before falling - "she simply fell backward with a blank expression on her face."
UPDATE: OMG, it gets better and better. The THIRD entry on the blotter boasts this gem:
When the deputies spotted the man, he was standing in the middle of the crowd of several hundred people with his penis exposed through his unzipped pants, swaying side to side with a dazed look on his face. Not impressed by the man's idea of a firefighter costume, one of the deputies took him by the arm and dragged him out of the street. The man replaced his "fire hose" as they walked and attempted to zip up his pants with his free arm.God, maybe I should see if we have a job writing about the police blotter for the TVPNU school paper, I could really make stuff like this my own. Crazies and idiots provide all the best material.