OK, the Admiralty take-home that I VOWED to have done by Tuesday night is STILL NOT DONE. Why can't I finish it? Because I am STOOPIDD!
Not really, but I *am* obsessed with getting the "right" answers and having it in a "decent" format, and those two things are pretty much all that's keeping me from getting it done. What I'm telling you is that I may never be done. I think that at some point I am going to have to just bite the bullet and say "OK, DONE!" but right now I still have about 7 or 8 more (out of 30) questions to answer and the number of pages has become truly obscene. I just couldn't get to sleep last night worrying for *at least* an hour that everyone else was going to turn it in and only have like 8 pages and I was going to turn in something that would have to be spiral bound, indexed, and with a pocket part.
Sigh. This has to get done, I KNOW I have probably spent 20 times longer than everyone else in the class to get the same (or worse) answers, but I have NO self-confidence about school stuff and it just eats away at me that the Prof. might read my answers and think that I "don't get it" or I'm dumber than everyone else in class. Oh well. Gotta get it done, have to start getting ready for Fed Courts next week. Pressure.