Who's watching Boston Legal?
Hackey McGuiltyverdict.
On another note...in my procrastination from studying for the MPRE I watched The Unit on CBS tonight and it was, without a doubt, one of the worst TV shows I have ever seen. Ever. They partially lost me when they shot the donkey, and they lost me the rest of the way with their portrayal of military wife-dom as some sort of cultish existence where you MUST live in base housing and you can't make outside phone calls to your family. What a load of crap. I wish I could sue them to get back the hour they stole from me. Those bastards.
In other news, the MPRE CD's from Bar/Bri are so awful. I thought they would be acceptable, but without having the video to keep me entertained/awake, just listening to the audio is absolutely awful. I have listened to 1 of the 4 CD's, read part of the outline, and made a grand total of 0 flashcards, although it's been on my agenda for many days now. Good think I don't have class on Friday...it looks like I'll be procrastinating right until the bitter end. Fantastic.