Sorry this is a little late...but at least I managed to get it up on the right day this time! (heh)
Enjoy!!! Remember, next week it will be back at Evan's place.
Shellvester -- Fight those addictions!
Divine Angst -- Typos on your transcript...greeeeeeeeaaaat!
Cella Bellum -- Awesome bus story -- with a bonus pic!
Thrown for a Loop -- "Top 10 Reasons I Quit My Old Job"
Perky to a Fault -- Dude! Sweet!
My So-Called Internet Based Life -- Creepiest M&M's commercial...EVER! (I saw it too and had been thinking about commenting on how weird and gross it is.)
Passionate Discourse -- There's always one in every class.
Matt Schuh Online -- When West Wing and law school collide.
Legally Blonde -- Thank God, she's back from the precipice of insanity!
Phocas and Francis -- Directions to an interview with a search engine. Beautiful.