I'm still so pissed about my post getting hijacked last night! I had written this big long post, and then it was gone, and then I was so tired I couldn't face trying to recreate it...I fell asleep on the couch at 9:30.
The one thing I remember that I wrote was this little gem from my Trial Ad professor:
"Getting into an argument or a dialogue with a witness during cross-examination is like wrestling a pig...you'll get dirty and the pig will like it!"
I thought that was pretty funny, but it kind of does sound like something Dr. Phil would say.
Anyway, that's it for now...mostly I'm spending a lot of time thinking about a job, trying to find a job, and just trying to find jobs to even apply to...in a little tidbit that I'm sure isn't news to any of you, Career Services is still entirely not helpful in either serving or helping my future career.