Monday, January 16, 2006

Weekly Law School Roundup #3

The Better Late Than Never Edition, where E. Spat tries desperately to catch up after a weekend of hedonism.

An Experiment (Barely Legal: The Blog)

Seriously though, what *IS* up with Turk's new teeth? (Divine Angst)

Awwwww...puppies! Full Metal Attorney AND You Can't Arrested for Being Awesome

Getting Married...Congrats Denise! (Life, Law, Gender)

Three times through the metal detector. Sigh. (Mackenzie's Weblog)

A Professor who looks like Colonel. Colonel Sanders. (My So-Called Internet Based Life)

A dinosaur themed template. (Magic Cookie)

A confirmation hearings drinking game? Only in law school! (Preaching to the Perverted)

McDonald's at the gym.
(LawDawg) (and, the Dildo Law really, DO ask!)

Look to the cookie. (Lawyerlike)

As always, thanks to Evan at Evan Schaeffer's Legal Underground for coming up with this fantastic idea, and for being so nice about it being up a day late (and likely a dollar short). I apologize again for having this up late, but trust me when I tell you that it was SO worth it.
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