If you have any soul at all, you'll go RIGHT HERE and vote for The Hot Librarian for the Best of Blogs Funniest Blog Award. Her blog is by far the funniest thing I EVER have the good fortune to read on the internets and if it doesn't win it will be the biggest travesty since...well...I don't know when (but I can think of a couple things).
I painted my finger AND toenails last night -- hot pink with glitter...hell yeah. Only 12 hours until my birthday party gets rolling and I get good and drunk. We decided on a local Irish bar that has an Irish band and dancing and lots of cheesy ambiance and LOTS of drunken frat boys and just pretty much all the things you would expect out of a semi-chain-ish Irish bar (not Fado's, but similar except the chain only extends to here and a couple other cities out this way). Anyway, it should be fun and I happen to like cheeseball Irish bars, and it's my birthday, so all is well.
No grades yet. Still raining.