Thank GOD I finally got some decent sleep last night. I fell asleep just after 11 and didn't get up this morning until 8:30 -- which is pretty late for me. I only have one class today and it's not until 11:30, so it's nice to not even have to set the alarm.
I am driving today. I love driving to school. Know why? Because I get to stop at 7-11 and get a Super Big Gulp Diet Coke, which makes me so, so, so, so happy. Ridiculously happy. Unnaturally happy.
I'm so glad it's Friday. Friday means Friday Night Beer Night, a tradition with some of my friends that I love. We get together, drink beer, and don't talk about law school. LOVE IT!
Lastly, I think I'm going to have to start applying to jobs again. I had a really good interview about three weeks ago (when I came home from Christmas early), and they had indicated a whole bunch of things to me, which, when summed up, equaled, "We'll be calling you soon, we want you to come back up one more time, you're one of the last two people we're considering." It's now been nearly four weeks (YIKES!), and despite numerous attempts to contact them, I have yet to hear back...not sure what's going on, but I'm pretty sure it means it's time to go back to square one. Damnit. Nothing like a little weekend project. At least I have Friday Night Beer Night to keep me happy for one more day.