I went to be around midnight after trying to shovel some PR into my head and writing some practice essays to get used to the space requirements. I woke up at 4am with a terrible sore throat (I don't think I'm sick, I think it's the gross A/C in here that looks like it should be called the Toxic Spore Spewer of Doom), and then I couldn't go back to sleep because my brain forced me to lay away and remember all the issues I missed on each exam over the past two days. Homestead Exemption? Yup, I forgot it. Appearance of Fairness Doctrine? Yup. Intervening and Supervening (at all...not even a definition in two Torts problems)? Yup. God, I really hope I pass, I don't think I could go through this again. I didn't really beat myself up too much during Bar/Bri and stuff, but I think my time will be kicking myself for the next two months about how I am probably going to fail by just enough of a margin to make those couple of days I took off seem like the worst idea on the planet. Oh well.
I ran out of Diet Coke (horrors!), so now I have to drink a Diet Pepsi this morning (it's all the hotel has). Yet another reason I can't wait for this to be over. Mmmmmmmm...beer.
Anyway, lest you all think I am a harbringer of doom, congrats to everyone finishing today, including all my blog and real-life friends, and especially my gang of study-pals out here and the GK in Alaska. We're done!