Saturday, June 17, 2006
Back on track.
Tonight Ex-Roomie and her boyfriend and I went to the fave Chimay-on-tap bar and played Trivial Pursuit. It was so fun, even though her boyfriend kicked both our asses pretty soundly and she accidentally left her purse there (although she got it back). I was diligent working all day today, so it was awesome to have a nice reward of time with friends and good beer. Unfortunately I have yet to do a single essay (OK, I did do one...poorly)...tomorrow will sadly be essay day and it's going to blow. But, I'll go to the gym so at least I can eat ice cream or something. A girl's gotta have a reward. Maybe I'll even cut out early and watch some TV. I hate the condensed 7-day-a-week bar/bri. It's awful.