Conversation I had this weekend:
My friend's boyfriend told us this story about a girl he had as a roommate when he lived in Scotland and how these two guys at a bar got into a fistfight over her.
Boyfriend: "So, what do women even think when two guys get into a fistfight at a bar over them?"
Friend: "Oh God, if you ever got into a fight over me I'd punch you right in the face myself!"
Me: "I think it's hot, if you got into a fight over me I'd have sex with you."
Boyfriend: "See honey, see how cool E. Spat is? She'd have sex with me and you'd punch me!"
Me: "Well, I mean, I wouldn't have sex with YOU because you're her boyfriend, but if you were a theoretical boy who wasn't dating one of my best friends...then...maybe."
Boyfriend: "You know what you are E. Spat? All stick and no carrot."