So, I was emailing back and forth with the recent date guy today. He's going out of town for a couple of weeks on a business trip, and he asked me what year my car is. I told him and said "why do you want to know?" (But not in a snotty way...ed.) He said he was ordering new brake parts for my car because it shudders really bad when you hit the brakes and apparently he knows with his man-sense that this is related to some kind of a warped brake thingiemajigger, and so when he comes back he's going to fix it for me. He had said this before but I thought he was just, you know, saying it (Because, in my experience, men do that quite often).
Yeah, he's pretty much a nice guy. I mean, he finds out today he has to be out of town for two weeks and still stops in the middle of his day and orders parts for my car.