I'm home sick today. I actually feel a lot better now, but I'm still home because...well...who wants to go to work for just a couple of hours after a day of being sick? No one, that's who. Plus, it's raining really hard. I know it does that here, like, all the time...but I'm ready to see the sun again. My soul is gloomy.
Things have been very crazy here. Business trips for both of us, and increasingly mobile baby, stuff with friends and family, etc. We're working on getting our life (lives?) to be the way we want it (them?) to be...being married is a challenge, as is being a parent, and is being an employee. As I'm sure you know. When you add it all up, well, I never was good at the new math.
I'm looking forward to the writing class I'm starting next week. Something to put my mind into, something to hopefully stir some creativity and help me to work through all the stuff that's going on in my life these day. I feel like I went to bed and life was fairly simple and I suddenly woke up in the middle of one of those haybale mazes, wrapped in tangled up twine and covered in rubiks cube's.