Dear Readers,
Well guys. As you can tell, I literally have NO time to write these days, and even less to say that I'm willing to write on the internet(s). I don't want to discuss my job, The Boy prefers that I don't discuss him (although we're moving in together in February! YAY!), and my tiny amount of free time every day is not spent on the computer.
This blog was started as a diary of my law school experience, and after having made it through law school, the bar exam, and the start of my first post-law-school job, I feel like it has run its course. So, on that note, I'm done. At least for now.
I will leave up the archives, probably indefinitely, but at least for a good long while. And if I decide to start another blog, more personal to my life now, I will let those of you I've become friends with behind the scenes know.
Thanks to everyone for reading, commenting, emailing me, supporting me, and just being cool as shit (generally). You guys rock, best of luck in your law school experiences and legal careers, and keep in touch.
E. Spat.